Why I’m Blogging

I LOVE BEING A NURSE! Have you ever felt unsafe at work? Have you experienced or have you seen lateral violence and bullying in your workplace? Is the dynamic of nurses eating their young alive and well? Are you burnt out, over worked, undervalued and hating the profession you once loved? You are not alone. All of these experiences and events place a burden on us and our personal lives. IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!

Why am I blogging…

Originally, I started off teaching self-defense courses for nurses. It was a fun and informative way to keep nurses safe in and out of the workplace. (something I am very invested in) Every nurse should feel safe at work. Then I received multiple emails regarding not feeling safe in the workplace due to bullying and lateral violence, not just the threat of physical violence. So I evaluated the concerns of my fellow peers.
Then it happened…I became a victim myself…a victim of the toxic environment caused by a bully. I was targeted by a nursing professional with higher power than myself, I couldn’t believe it. I was the one who taught nurses how to fend off attackers, I kept nurses safe, kept them aware. I was the “tough one” as many would say. This bullying incident almost destroyed my life and my career. I SWORE I WOULD NOT LET ANOTHER NURSE GO THROUGH WHAT I WENT THROUGH… and I stand by that always.

So here it is…a blog to support nursing students, new nurses, seasoned nurses and anyone who loves a nurse.  A blog to support nurses and inspire nurses to love the profession of nursing. Let’s talk…I’ll pour the coffee.

Lets stand together, support each other and change the culture one post at a time.

We are nurses, we are strong, together we are stronger.


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